ELA - Get those four KidBiz articles done tonight....

Math - Finish the Lesson 15 Problem Set and Complete the Lesson 15 Homework sheet.
ELA - Remember the four articles due by Friday morning

Math - Lesson 14 Homework Sheet

ELA - 4, yes 4, KidBiz articles by Friday morning (starting next quarter it will be important that the scores on the activities are 75% or higher before the article "counts")

Math - Lesson 13 Homework sheet

Social Studies - Colonies for research have been sel
ected/assigned and preliminary research can begin.

Veteran's Day Weekend

  • 4 KidBiz articles by next Friday morning
  • Spelling corrections DUE TUESDAY
    New spelling words -- Homophones/Homographs
  • READ

 MATH - Lesson 12 Homework Page

Social Studies - Bring in a list of 3 of the Original 13 Colonies that you might want to study more closely.

ELA - Get those 3 articles read.  Remember that there is a spelling test coming up on Friday.

Math - Bring in 2 word problems dealing with multi-digit multuplication.  Extra credit for using decimal numbers.

Science - Exercise A in the Science Fair packet.
ELA - Still time to complete the 3 KidBiz articles.  Remember that all 5 steps must be completed.

MATH - Lesson 9 Homework Sheet -

Science - Revise your question (or bring in a new one inspired by someone else's idea)
ELA - 3 KidBiz articles to be completed by Friday morning.  I will check on Friday...

MATH - Finish the Lesson 9 Problem Set

Science - Bring in a Science Fair question for the class to evaluate. 

    Mr. Merriam

    Teacher, actor, and coach
    Father, husband, and friend
    Son, brother, and uncle
    I am an accumulation of all I do, all I have done, and all my dreams.


    November 2013
    October 2013

